Nysret Salihamixhiqi

Nysret Salihamixhiqi (1931) was a painter and educator who created a large body of work – primarily paintings and drawings – in the name of free expression, enriching Kosovo’s visual art and earning a reputation as one of the country’s most important artists.

Salihamixhiqi is regarded for the refinement and evocative nature of his drawings. His body of work is noted for its singular expressive world, bulging with diverse themes and transcending specific artistic trends and inclinations.

Drawing on a spectrum of shades in saturating his creative realm, in which time and space melt into one, the artist rationalised and harmonised colours while honouring and deepening the principles of his distinctive aesthetic spirit. Rippling with intimate and symbolic messages, his works are illustrative, poetic, and, at times, playful.